The Language Place

become a host family application form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a host family for our students! Please complete this online application form. We will contact you to arrange a home visit and to answer any questions you have.

Please fill in this section carefully so that we have all your details. *obligatory

Good to know:

Host families need to be within travelling distance of Dundalk, Co Louth. We need host families for teenagers aged 11-17 for 1-3 week periods in summer and for 1-2 week periods during the rest of the academic year. Host families for teenagers should have teenage children living at home who are interested in spending time with a foreign teenager in the evenings and on Sundays.

We need hosts for adults for 1-8 weeks in summer and for 1-26 week periods throughout the academic year. Hosts for adults can be single people, couples or adults who are interested in chatting to a foreign student in the evenings.

Good to know:

In order to comply with Department of Education guidelines, it is a Language Place hosting requirement that each student has their own bedroom unless two friends opt to share. Please give details of the accommodation that you can offer students. We usually place one student per host person/family. However, we can place two friends or two students of different nationalities with the same host person/family.


Will the student(s) have an en-suite room or exclusive use of a bathroom?* 

Are there any pets in your home?* 

Does anybody in the family smoke?*  

Has the family hosted foreign students before?  

Good to know:

Host families are asked to provide breakfast, a packed lunch and dinner for their student(s) every day.

Can you provide breakfast, a packed lunch and dinner every day? 

Good to know:

Teenage students attend workshops and activities from 9.30-17.30 Monday to Friday and 9.30 – 19.30 on Saturdays. Teenage students must be dropped to the school by their host family before 9.30 and picked up at 17.30/19.30 unless alternative transport arrangements are made between the host family and the school.

Adult students attend workshops and activities from 9.30 – 18.00/19.30 Monday to Friday and they go on excursions with the school at weekend. Adult students can make their own way to and from school provided that the host person/host family lives within a 30-minute walk of the school or on a bus route.

If you want to host a teenager, can you transport your teenage student to and from school Monday to Friday?*  

If you want to host an adult, do you live within a 30-minute walk of the school?* 

If you want to host an adult, is your home on a bus route?*  

Good to know:

We match our students to host people or host families who have similar interests to them so that they have things to talk about or do together.

Mark the activities you are interested in*.

Terms and conditions for host families – please read carefully

  • Host families play an important role in our students’ language skills development. All our students have between an elementary and advanced level of English and their primary goal on their Language Place Total Immersion programme is to improve their language skills by practising English with native speakers as often as they can. While our students generally spend most of their time in class, studying or doing activities and excursions organised by The Language Place, it is important that they have real communication opportunities with their host families when they are at home in the evenings. For this reason, persons applying to be host families should be prepared to converse with their student on a regular basis and make the guest student feel very welcome and at ease in their homes.
  • Hosts/host families are not required to entertain the guest student outside the family home but may do so if they wish.
  • Hosts/host families are not required to collect students from the airport. Students will be transported to and from the airport by private bus.
  • It is usual practice for hosts/host families to collect their student from The Language Place building on the day of their arrival in Ireland, usually a Sunday, and assist them with transporting their luggage to the host family home unless previous transport arrangements have been made with The Language Place.
  • Hosts/host families are required to provide their students with breakfast, a packed lunch and dinner every day during their stay here. Please ask your student(s) what foods they like/don’t like. Some students may prefer to make their own breakfast/packed lunch and should be provided with the provisions to do so. A packed lunch could be a sandwich, a salad or a pasta dish with fruit and/or yoghurt or some cheese.
  • Unlike Irish people, our Spanish, German, Italian and French students are used to eating their main meal in the middle of the day rather than the evening. They are not used to packed lunches and the novelty wears of sandwiches wears off after a few days! We would ask host families to vary the contents of the packed lunch (different breads, fillings, salads, etc.)
  • Students who have specific dietary requirements will have indicated these requirements on their enrolment forms but as a general rule, the guest students will eat the same as other family members.
  • If a student is not at home for dinner at your family’s usual mealtimes because they are on an organised trip with The Language Place, please leave dinner for them to warm up.
  • Some students from warmer climates than our own, females in particular, will tend to eat less than Irish people.
  • Generally adult students prefer to be within walking distance of the school (up to 30 minutes) or on a bus route. However, applications from hosts/host families who live outside the town are also welcome as some of our adult students have expressed a desire to stay with a host family in a rural setting. Preference will be given to hosts/host families who can provide transport for their student(s) to The Language Place every morning and collect their student from The Language Place every evening, in particular if the host/host family wishes to host more than one student at a time.
  • The rate for hosting is €30 per teenage student / €35 per adult student per night. Hosts/host families will be paid by bank transfer or by bank draft by The Language Place at the end of the students’ stay. Do let us know which method you prefer.
  • Occasionally, despite our best efforts to match our students with our hosts/host families, the hosting arrangement is not satisfactory and a student may ask us to organise alternative accommodation. In the very unlikely event of this happening, the student will be re-accommodated and the host/host family immediately paid in full for the time the student spent in their home.
  • In the case of illness or other unforeseen circumstances the student may cancel his/her accommodation before arrival. In the very unlikely event of this happening, a payment equivalent to three nights’ accommodation will be given to the host/host family for the inconvenience caused by the cancellation.

Additional terms and conditions for hosting teenagers:

  • Our teenage guest students welcome opportunities to spend time with Irish people their own age and for this reason we give priority to applications from host families with teenage children. Irish teenage hosts are very welcome to join their guest students on some trips and excursions organised by The Language Place. Costs are covered by The Language Place.
  • Teenage students must be transported to the school every morning before 9.30 and collected from the school every evening at 17.30 or at 19.30 on Saturdays. Preference will be given to host families who can provide transport for their teenage student(s).
  • Applications from host families who live in a rural setting are very welcome. However, once again, preference will be given to host families who can provide transport for their student(s) to The Language Place every morning and collect their student from The Language Place every evening, in particular if the host family wishes to host more than one student at a time.
  • It is imperative that the whereabouts of a teenage guest student is known at all times. For this reason during their free time, teenage students are not permitted to travel to other towns/cities unaccompanied by an adult or a Language Place representative. They should spend their evenings and Sundays with the young people in their host family and not with the other students on the programme. If they wish to visit or meet up with another student, permission must be given by the directors of The Language Place. This is for the students’ safety while in Ireland and all students and their parents are made aware of this rule in advance.
  • Our teenage students are all minors and are therefore not permitted to consume alcohol during their stay. This is made very clear to the student and their parents before they come to Ireland.
  • In the event of a teenage student becoming ill during his/her stay in your home, please inform either Richard or Annemarie at The Language Place as soon as the student complains of feeling unwell. We can speak to the student in their own language to determine if medical attention is necessary, and make any arrangements to bring the unwell guest student to the doctor. Underage students should not be given any medication other than paracetemol or ibuprofen without our informing their parents as agreed with them in the terms and conditions for students. In case of an emergency situation when prompt medical attention is clearly necessary, please call an ambulance and inform us immediately. We are contactable 24 hours a day on 087 2297476 and 087 229 7473.

Please feel free to contact us at The Language Place at any time if you have any questions or concerns while hosting our students.

Richard Keogh, Managing Director, The Language Place

Annemarie Keogh, Academic Director, The Language Place



contact us


telephone: 00 353 42 9320729
mobiles: 00 353 87 2297476
00 353 87 2297473


2 jocelyn place,
dundalk, co louth, ireland

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